Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

Where can I buy the cars?

You can buy the cars directly from our website.

When will the Lupa be available?

Pre-orders will be placed in 2023 on our website for a 100€ deposit. We plan to have a prototype available in June and begin shipping the vehicle by start of 2024.

Is the Lupa a hybrid?

This vehicle is 100% electric and it delivers up to 300 km per charge. It uses no gasoline and produces zero emissions.

What is the warranty on the Lupa?

The warranty will be three years bumper to bumper, eight years on the battery.

You sell the car and you keep the battery. What do you do?

You buy another new Lupa without battery and you assemble yours in the attached workshop that will deliver the new car.

What do you do with the car without a battery?

You can sell it second hand. The person who buys it can buy a new battery from us directly.

The battery is more than 10 years old. Do I have to throw it away?

No! You can buy our PowerHome and use your battery to store the energy.

How does Lupa manage my personal information?

Lupa values the personal information of all of our users. If you have any concerns about how personal information is collected and managed, please reference our privacy policy or contact us by email. You may also contact us by email to opt-out of cookie collection or if you have any other concerns.

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